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Sunday, June 11, 2023

Nnaisense: Machine Learning

Brought to my attention.    Via Jurgen Schmidhuber        https://nnaisense.com/

Nnaisense.com:  World-leading machine learning that unlocks the full power of IIoT/Industry 4.0

Naisense:  'Where AI Meets the Industry'


Deep learning analytics detects anomalies in sensor data and enables rapid corrective action for quality control.


Predictive models of complex industrial processes yield valuable new insights and enable simulation-based learning of control strategies.


Deep reinforcement learning brings unprecedented levels of intelligent control to processes previously thought too complex for full automation.

There is no off-the-shelf AI

Challenging industrial use cases require deep expertise to build custom AI solutions that actually work in the field to affect the bottom line. Whether it’s the production of glass and metal parts, or rapid monitoring of wind turbines, our technology is trusted by industry leaders to create value—we don’t make solutions fit; we make solutions to fit.

How it works:   https://nnaisense.com/technology/

VIEW CASE STUDIES      https://nnaisense.com/case-studies 

A vision of radically more efficient, sustainable, and creative industry

NNAISENSE builds upon the 25-year proven track record of its founders’ fundamental contributions to modern AI research and its application. The company was founded in 2014 with the goal of taking AI out of the digital world and into the physical, transforming industry by harnessing the full potential of this technology.


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