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Monday, June 12, 2023

Low-Cost Human Biomarker Sensors Designs

Low-Cost Human Biomarker Sensors Designs

Penn State News

Ashley Wenners Herron, May 31, 2023

Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) engineers have designed RNA-based human biomarker sensors that, for about US$1, can conduct measurements that conventional tests would cost anywhere from $100 to more than $1,000 to execute. The technology combines a cell-free expression system with riboswitches, at a cumulative cost of about $1 per reaction. Penn State's Howard Salis said, "Using a combination of thermodynamic modeling and computational optimization, we rationally designed new riboswitches that are predicted to be excellent protein sensors and then we tested them." Results showed the sensors can detect human biomarker proteins, including the MS2 protein contained in a bacterial phage, monomeric C-reactive protein involved in chronic inflammatory conditions, and interleukin-32 gamma that indicates viral or bacterial infection.  ... ' 

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