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Thursday, June 09, 2022

Model to Find Best EV Charging Sites

Something we will need to start to consider. 

Model Finds Best Sites for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

NC State University News, Matt Shipman, June 6, 2022

North Carolina State University (NC State) researchers have developed a computational model that finds the best sites for electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, and the amount of power they can use without straining the local grid. The model's power system component factors in the limitations of the local power distribution network, while its transportation component considers number of travelers, the routes they take, and how far their vehicles can go before they must recharge. The model also attempts to identify locations that will minimize travel times, in order to account for user decision-making. NC State's Leila Hajibabai said, "Ultimately, we feel the model can be used to inform the development of EV charging infrastructure at multiple levels, from projects aimed at supporting local commuters to charging facilities that serve interstate highway travel."

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