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Saturday, September 07, 2013

Japanese Startup Culture

In FastCompany: Never involved with Japan startup culture, but have a number of times worked with their innovation world. Which I thought was strong, but had a difficult time marketing its own successes.  Also rarely funded fringe innovations that did not have support by industry or universities. Their innovation also can be very focused on areas their are known for, like robotics. Good survey article about the nature of their startups.  But also how things are changing:

" ... When Americans hear "entrepreneur," we think visionary young techie out to change the world. When Japanese hear it, they think "selfish, greedy, untrustworthy criminal." Why? And how can Japanese young people get back the creative spirit of the '50s? Terra Motors, maker of the iPhone-compatible electric scooters which are out to replace gas motorcycles all over Asia, says times are changing. ... " 

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