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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tell Them Where to Go in Retail

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Tell 'em Where to Go; Tell 'em Which to Buy!
(The "Path-to-Purchase" Ought to Be a U-Turn)
September 30, 2010 - by Herb Sorensen, Ph.D., Scientific Advisor, TNS Retail and Shopper

The objective facts are that there are a few retailers who obtain outsize sales and profits in comparison to other stores carrying similar merchandise. Because these few have some obvious differences from the thousand-store chains, many retailers ignore the underlying principles that drive the outsize success of these super performers. Here it is my intention to explain the relevance of these super performers to all retailers, and how to leverage the principles that drive their success, without upending your own operations. That is, where they may be selling five times as much (500% more sales than you,) you don't have to go the whole way with their business and merchandising strategy to maybe get a 50% increase in sales yourself ... "

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