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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blekko: A Slashtag Search Engine

Every now and then there is an attempt at a new take on the search engine.  Zakta is an example I took a look at that attempts to build specialized research experiences.  I much liked its approach of looking at the problem from a collaborative search view.   Now released is dispassionately named Blekko  " ... The service offers an interesting way to “slash” or create specialty search engines for any topic, along with new features the company hopes will improve relevancy ... " .  An overall look at Blekko here.  You can try it in Beta here.

So what is a slashtag search?  " ... slashtags search only the sites you want and cut out the spam sites. use friends, experts, community or your own slashtags to slash in what you want and slash out what you don't .... " .   I can see that useful at times, but isn't it also overly restrictive?   So Blekko is inclusive/restrictive rather than collaborative.  Worth looking at.

Update: And some negative comments on Blekko, saying it is broken.  And another critical view.

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