Update: See also a post about the recent talk by MS's Craig Mundie on the future of virtual worlds.
A Site Devoted to the Discovery and Application of Emerging Technologies .
"Freefroot is a new and unique way of discovering products and services that offer delectable and ethical alternatives, and is also a platform for promoting sustainability within design ....
These companies showcase their products, services and samples as gifts, so you can enjoy them 100% free. Using a Patent Pending countdown format, Freefroot keeps the give-aways exclusive, spontaneous and fun - just how a give-away should be!
" .... 3D store environment was stitched together with Photosynth technology and interactive. Mundie could "walk" through the store and have a text or voice conversation with a store representative or someone, such as his wife, via his buddy list. In addition, he could watch videos and examine 3D models of the art objects, spinning them around to look at all the different parts of a sculpture.
Then he showed how a smart handheld device could be used to navigate in a physical space. Pointing the device at a particular space would show local information, such as when buses were expected to arrive or what stores are having sales that would be of interest to the user based on their profile ... "
"Visa has become the latest player to try and start a fire under mobile payments and mobile commerce, a concept that in the U.S. has remained mostly in the imagination over the last decade. Visa's first partners in its roll-out are Nokia and Google's Android platform. Its partnership with a major credit company is a win for Google's fledgling mobile operating system ... "More here.
" ... In a blog post describing the new social network, the Journal billed the social networking features as a "nifty" way for business owners to connect in a Web 2.0 world. "These new social-networking features should enable you to meet and swap tips with other entrepreneurs and find answers to questions that help you better run your business," it noted.... "
" ... enables Walgreens' warehouse management system to automatically send out advance shipment notices as products leave the center. Altogether, the system includes 170,000 plastic totes fitted with EPC Gen 2 passive RFID tags, some tagged dollies and 45 Blue Vector RFID portals installed at dock doors and other locations around the center ... is designed to alert employees when a tote has been moved to the wrong dock door, and when it is being loaded in the incorrect order. For instance, often a truck will transport multiple shipments to several stores and needs to have the goods loaded in the order in which they will be delivered ... "
" .. While having the study participants multitask, Leber and his colleagues at Yale University monitored their brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The research confirmed that multitasking is, on average, inefficient. However, the brain scans allowed the researchers to predict when people would be poor multitaskers and optimal multitaskers ... "Also points to a broader study.
" ... The creator of the world wide web, Tim Berners-Lee, has made an odd request: for a kind of rating system to help people distinguish sites that can be trusted to tell the truth, and those that can't.
Berners-Lee was speaking at the launch of the World Wide Web Foundation, which aims to ensure that everyone in the world benefits as the web evolves.
In his speech he referred to the way fears that the LHC could destroy the world spread like wildfire online. As the BBC puts it, he explained that "there needed to be new systems that would give websites a label for trustworthiness once they had been proved reliable sources." ... '
" ... After issuing dire warnings about the future of consumer surveys, the two biggest advertisers and buyers of market research in the world -- Procter & Gamble and Unilever -- are linking with the Advertising Research Foundation for an industry effort to embrace online chatter and other naturally occurring feedback like never before...
" ... Meijer, Inc. has unveiled a new service -- "Grocery Express" -- at one of its stores. The service enables shoppers to select grocery and health and beauty care products online, and then have them delivered directly to their car at a designated location in the Meijer parking lot ... "More comments and details.
" ... There’s no way to completely turn name-tagging over to Picasa; you must manually assign a name to each face. But this discovery process grows smarter the more it is used, returning accurate, selectable name-tag suggestions below each photograph. A People page lists all the people whose faces appeared in uploaded photos, and I started relying on this as a quick reference tool. A photo name tag can include a nickname, full name and email. If someone is already listed in your Gmail contacts, these data are automatically retrieved and entered as you begin typing a name ... '
" ... Our vision is that hardware and software platform for Personal Robotics – robots that do tasks for humans in human environments – will enable breakthrough robotics applications, much as PCs and DOS enabled a new set of computing applications two decades ago ... "See also video of Stanford's personal robotics program. Impressive, but there is a warning at the bottom of the video that says that the robots are being tele-operated. They are not autonomous. I have yet to see an useful autonomous robot in a domestic environment, other than the very narrowly focused Roomba.
" .. Polo Ralph Lauren has launched a mobile commerce project in the United States that pushes its homegrown version of 2-D bar codes, with its Quick Response (QR) codes appearing initially on print advertisements. Some are questioning, though, whether the chain's lower priced approach might limit the number of consumer phones that can access the related content..."Much more in his post. Have examined the idea of 2D bar codes on print ads, packaging, posters and even T-shirts a number of times. As I have said before, it's a matter of standardization of codes for the cameras on common cell phones that will make this work. People still do not understand it because they have not seen many examples. Also, note the example above, don't think you will get many people to stop. And it also trashes the image.
Now You See It: Simple Visualization Techniques - Stephen Few of Perceptual EdgeStephen Few is a strong proponent of simplification rather than ornamentation for effective knowledge delivery through visual perspection. His talk is an excellent introduction.
A sneak-peak into the topic of his new unreleased book, Stephen Few highlights fundamental principles and practices for visual data analysis. Typical of Stephen, this session is broad in its appeal — designed for non-statisticians and statisticians alike – yet all walk away with new insights. - From the Tableau Customer Conference ... "
Can Web 2.0 save BI?
Mashups could be the answer to BI's problems. Here's how organizations are connecting the technologies to make better business decisions.
" ...All of these new technologies are about making it easier to build and consume analytical applications," says Gartner Inc. analyst Kurt Schlegel. Today, he notes, companies frequently cite a lack of both end-user and developer skills as a major barrier when deploying traditional BI applications. Indeed, anecdotal evidence suggests that no more than 20% of users in most organizations use reporting, ad hoc query and online analytical processing tools on a regular basis.
Instead, most companies rely on already overburdened IT departments or in-house teams of BI experts to fulfill users' requests for reports, analyses and forecasts, a process that can take weeks or longer. Then, when decision-makers finally receive a report, they often discount or distrust it because the data is no longer relevant or timely.... "
" ... Walmart is the first retailer in the US to rollout a next generation retail media network that is supported by a flexible, open enterprise platform powered by Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) – technology that will allow the retailer to monitor and control more than 27,000 screens in more than 2700 stores across the country. The Walmart Smart Network will also deploy response measurement and message optimization technologies to enable delivery of the most relevant content to shoppers - by store, by screen, by day and by time-of-day. All of the content on the Walmart Smart Network will be customized, designed to deliver helpful product information to consumers at the point of decision when and where they need it in the store.
“We’ve built a network tailored to the way consumers shop our stores – delivering helpful, custom, content closest to the point of decision – that helps them shop smarter,” said Stephen Quinn, chief marketing officer, Walmart Stores, U.S. “The Smart Network is intelligent too, because every screen and every message has a purpose and we will be analyzing point of sale data on an ongoing basis to deliver a shopper-centric communications platform. In short, the Walmart Smart Network is a win-win: improving the shopping experience for our customers and driving results for our supplier partners.” ... "
"...The Sunday Express is angry that the government is considering a tax on disposable items such as razors and nappies to try to cut waste. The paper describes the move as a "cut-throat eco-tax", and elsewhere in the paper as "another tax con"..."Package goods companies will have to consider this direction, I recall there was a consumer revolt in Germany and elsewhere in the 90s, where consumers were ripping removing packaging they thought to be extraneous from products and dropping it in store aisles. This led to packaging redesign that removed cardboard over-wrap from stick deodorant. A win for smaller government.
" ... These digital devices enable customers to weigh their own produce, order a variety of cold-cuts at the deli counter, by using a video touch screen, and pay without the assistance of a cashier.
The digital gadget that customers will use for shopping is the "Scan It" personal scanner; the way it works is simple. You activate the scanner by reading the barcode on your Stop & Shop loyalty card. This card is similar to the ones use today by consumers for obtaining discounts on certain items. However this system is a lot smarter and also doubles as a sales person trying to get you to buy more groceries ... "
What is Heritance?Good concept that was new to me. Check out the blog for more.
Heritance promotes open museum practices that foster diversity and good governance ..."