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Saturday, March 07, 2020

AI as Workplace Disrupter

Expected for jobs that require high skills, but these same jobs will morph to related tasks as well.  Being better skilled usually means you have the ability to re-train.   And today there are many more ways to re-train and become certified in new areas.

AI is the Next Workplace Disrupter, and It's Coming for High-Skilled Jobs
The Wall Street Journal
Eric Morath
February 23, 2020

A Brookings Institution study predicts that the next wave of artificial intelligence (AI)-driven automation will target white-collar professions like marketing specialists, financial advisers, and computer programmers. AI enables computers to analyze data, anticipate outcomes, and learn from experience by recognizing patterns and making decisions—jobs typically performed by highly skilled, well-educated employees. Stanford University's Michael Webb used AI to review more than 16,000 AI-related patents to ascertain capabilities like disease diagnosis or object recognition, while examining a U.S. Labor Department database of occupations to catalog specific tasks needed for jobs. By matching the frequency of overlap between these two factors, Webb found that holders of bachelor's degrees are five times more likely to be impacted by AI than those with high-school diplomas. AI may potentially automate certain tasks for some professionals without entirely replacing them, while others could find their jobs simplified and easily filled by less-educated workers. ... '

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