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Monday, March 09, 2020

Robot Arm for Frontline Medicine

Taking up front information, saving it in context, sterilizing equipment, could save lots of time when dealing with large groups.  Training in context, as it is feasible, could be useful as needs change.  Standardizing methods also very useful.

Robotic Arm Designed in China Could Help Save Lives on Medical Frontline
by Martin Pollard

Researchers at Tsinghua University in China have developed a robot that can perform ultrasounds, take mouth swabs, and listen to sounds made by a patient's organs. The system, which consists of a robotic arm on wheels, could help save lives during the coronavirus outbreak. The researchers converted two mechanized robotic arms with the same technology used on space stations and lunar explorers. The robots were almost entirely automated, and could disinfect themselves after performing actions involving contact with patients. Doctors in China are currently training on the robots—one of which is at the team's lab at Tsinghua University and the other at the Wuhan Union Hospital. Said Tsinghua's Zheng Gangtie, “Doctors are all very brave. But this virus is just too contagious ... We can use robots to perform the most dangerous tasks."

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