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Sunday, March 01, 2020

On Assistants in Healthcare

Much work to be done on voice solutions to health problems.  The infrastructure is growing.

Industry Voices—Is Dr. Alexa ready to see you now? in FierceHealthcare   by Robin Cavanaugh

Smart speakers have become a ubiquitous part of our lives. In fact, by 2022 analysts expect that voice technology will reach 55% of U.S. households. Whether it’s a gut check on the day’s forecast or it’s time to place a grocery order, consumers are accustomed to saying, “Hey, Alexa,” and receiving an answer in mere seconds. Now, with Amazon Alexa becoming HIPAA-compliant, voice technology’s intersection with modern healthcare is poised to explode.

The goal of a HIPPA-compliant Alexa is to give consumers the opportunity to ask a voice assistant questions about their health, refill a prescription or make an appointment with their provider—ushering in a whole new era of patient experience.

It’s no secret that the U.S. healthcare system today is confusing. The global lack of access to essential health services further exacerbates the situation, with at least 400 million people worldwide facing obstacles preventing them from receiving treatment. A harmless condition can become serious if a person doesn’t have access to the right resources, information or tools to help follow their treatment plan.

While the shift to voice-activated technology in healthcare can reduce common barriers to care, there are still significant challenges for tech titans to overcome. Security and compliance are still top concerns, but more practical limitations must be addressed too before voice technology can become mainstream and viable in the healthcare ecosystem.     .... " 

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