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Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Machine Learning and Earthquake Data

Been following this thread for sometime.  Been testing the CA use of local earthquake warning systems.   Actual predictive methods seem to be lagging here.  But the basic idea is very good.  Here aimed at detecting geothermal resources.

Machine Learning Picks Out Hidden Vibrations From Earthquake Data
MIT News
Jennifer Chu

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers trained a convolutional neural network (CNN) with machine learning to identify low-frequency seismic vibrations in earthquake data. The researchers trained the network using the Marmousi model, a two-dimensional geophysical simulation of geological seismic-wave propagation. When presented with high-frequency seismic waves produced from a new simulated earthquake, the CNN could mimic the physics of wave propagation and accurately calculate the quake's hidden low-frequency waves. MIT's Laurent Demanet said the goal is to be able to use those low-frequency waves to map the Earth’s internal structures "and be able to say, for instance, 'this is exactly what it looks like underneath Iceland, so now you know where to explore for geothermal sources.'"

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