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Friday, March 06, 2020

Honeywell Introduces a Quantum Computer

Somewhat unexpected, but the announced major client makes it seem serious.  Trading strategies are a kind of process and decision making approach that will be good to follow to see ow Quantum will help.

Honeywell to Roll Out Quantum Computer
The Wall Street Journal
Sara Castellanos
March 3, 2020

Honeywell will introduce an early-stage quantum computer for commercial experiments within about three months, with JPMorgan Chase as the first public user. The new machine is expected to be the world's most powerful quantum computer, based on its expected quantum volume (a measure of the performance of a quantum system) of at least 64. Honeywell’s Tony Uttley anticipates the technology will be used by organizations interested in developing new materials or new trading strategies for financial services, or by those looking to speed up calculations. Marco Pistoia of JPMorgan Chase said he expects to use quantum computing to speed up computing-intensive calculations, including Monte Carlo simulations, which are commonly used to calculate the theoretical value of an option. Quantum computing could also be used in portfolio optimization.  ... "   .... '

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