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Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Alexa Answers Healthcare and Pharma Questions

Good aim at typical questions from the home.  Maintenance, regulation and liability may prove a prove an issue.

Amazon’s Alexa can now answer more questions about prescription drugs
By Kyle Wiggers in Venturebeat

Alexa can now answer questions about medication and other health care concerns via voice, thanks to a collaboration between Amazon and drug and medical knowledge provider First Databank (FDB). Content in both English and Spanish allows Alexa users to ask about drug interactions, side effects, precautions, and the drug’s class (all of which FDB says will be updated on a regular basis), complementing the health information sources Alexa already draws from, including the Mayo Clinic and WebMD.

“People lead busy lives, and voice provides a simple way to get helpful information about medications, including side effects and drug interactions, for themselves and the people they care for. And this information will complement advice from their medical and pharmacy teams,” said FDB president Bob Katter. “Ultimately, we believe that more informed consumers will lead to improved medication adherence, the reduction of adverse drug events, and better patient outcomes.” .... " 

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