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Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Blockchain in Python

The following is useful, if you understand coding, especially in Python.  Worth a scan.  Unlike the statement here, a blockchain does not have to be public.   Though useful, does not detail the implementation in use, so hardly ready for reapplication. The comments point out some code errors.

In KDNuggets:

It wasn’t until I wrote my own simple Blockchain, that I truly understood what it is and the potential applications for it. So without further ado, lets set up our 7 functions!  

By Tom Cusack, Data Scientist in the Banking Sector

I think for many people out there, Blockchain is this phenomenon, which is hard to get your head around. I started watching videos and reading articles, but for me personally, it wasn’t until I wrote my own simple Blockchain, that I truly understood what it is and the potential applications for it.

The way I think about blockchain is it is an encrypted database that is public. If you were Amazon and you wanted to use the technology to track your stock levels, would using Blockchain make sense? Probably not, since your customers won’t want to expend their resources verifying your blockchain, since they state on their website, ‘Only 1 left!’, anyway.

I’ll leave you to think about future applications. So without further ado, lets set up our 7 functions! ... 

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