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Saturday, May 13, 2023

AI self-play for Algorithm Design

AI and Puzzles..

AI self-play for algorithm design   in Microsoft.com

Published May 2, 2023

By Adam Tauman Kalai , Senior Principal Researcher  Patrick Haluptzok , AI Research Associate

A self-play pipeline for a language model (LM) to improve itself in a fully automatic manner. First, the LM generates novel puzzles based on a training set of handwritten puzzles. Then, the LM attempts to solve each of these puzzles 100 times. In Step 3, the computer (specifically a Python interpreter) filters the candidate solutions for correctness. Finally, the LM is improved by further training on these verified correct solutions to synthetic puzzles, and the process repeats. This process leads to significant improvements as measured on held-out test puzzles, which were also handwritten.

Efficient algorithms are crucial for many purposes, including reducing energy consumption in digital devices. While humans outperform AI systems at designing such algorithms, we show how to improve AI programming abilities using self-play, a technique that has helped AI systems dominate in games such as chess and Go.

Designing fast and accurate algorithms requires high-level abstract reasoning, which remains difficult for AI systems. Our approach involves having the AI design and solve its own programming challenges, enabling practice on millions of artificial challenges and exploration of problem types not found in public repositories. We detail our work in a new paper, “Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Program Better,” which we’re presenting at the 2023 International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR).  ... '

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