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Monday, November 14, 2022

Physicists Get a Quantum Computer to Work by Using the Fibonacci Sequence

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Physicists Got a Quantum Computer to Work by Blasting It With the Fibonacci Sequence

An experiment involving a Fibonacci pattern of laser pulses apparently yielded a new state of matter.

By Isaac Schultz   in Gizmodo

A team of physicists say they managed to create a new phase of matter by shooting laser pulses reading out the Fibonacci sequence to a quantum computer in Colorado. The matter phase relies on a quirk of the Fibonacci sequence to remain in a quantum state for longer.

Just as ordinary matter can be in a solid, liquid, gas, or superheated plasmic phase (or state), quantum materials also have phases. The phase refers to how the matter is structured on an atomic level—the arrangement of its atoms or its electrons, for example. Several years ago, physicists discovered a quantum supersolid, and last year, a team confirmed the existence of quantum spin liquids, a long-suspected phase of quantum matter, in a simulator. The recent team thinks they discovered another new phase.

Quantum bits, or qubits, are like ordinary computer bits in that their values can be 0 or 1, but they can also be 0 or 1 simultaneously, a state of ambiguity that allows the computers to consider many possible solutions to a problem much faster than an ordinary computer. Quantum computers should eventually be able to solve problems that classical computer can’t.

Qubits are often atoms; in the recent case, the researchers used 10 ytterbium ions, which were controlled by electric fields and manipulated using laser pulses. When multiple qubits’ states can be described in relation to one another, the qubits are considered entangled. Quantum entanglement is a delicate agreement between multiple qubits in a system, and the agreement is dissolved the moment any one of those bits’ values is certain. At that moment, the system decoheres, and the quantum operation falls apart.  ...  '

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