Understanding Small Fatigue Cracking Force
Notable Research with BayesiaLab: Using machine learning and a data-driven approach to identify the small fatigue crack driving force in polycrystalline materials. .... via Bayesia
Crack propagation: machine learning identifies micromechanical variables
A machine learning technique can identify the complex variables behind the propagation direction of small cracks in a titanium alloy. A team led by Michael Sangid at Purdue University in the U.S.A built two separate Bayesian networks using machine learning to analyse diffraction and tomography data acquired during in situ fatigue cycling of a titanium alloy. The orientation of the first principal stress axis in a specific direction and the maximum resolved shear stress were the most strongly correlated with crack propagation, and were incorporated into an analytical relationship to describe the probability of the crack propagation direction. This analytical expression reproduced experimental results and was more reliable than previous literature predictions. This sort of semi-supervised machine learning methodology may help us identify driving forces in other complex engineering problems. ... "
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