" ... Leading neuromarketing firm Sands Research announced today that it has completed its annual study gauging the effectiveness of Super Bowl commercials. The 2010 results were compiled using electroencephalography (EEG) recordings and eye-tracking data gathered from study participants...
“Our technology measures engagement millisecond by millisecond and is the only to reflect frame by frame changes in emotion. Volkswagen’s ‘Punch Dub’ was our top scorer this year with a commercial that engaged viewers in virtually all of the frames,” stated Dr. Stephen Sands, Chairman and Chief Science Officer at Sands Research. “The company turned viewers into ‘Volkswagen detectors’ by having them look for and anticipate the cars – VW really maximized their entire 30 seconds.” Dr. Sands also noted that Google’s “Parisian Love” advertisement used an engaging storyline to elicit a consistent, deep emotional response from viewers.
Using its proprietary Neuro Engagement Factor (NEF)™, the company ranked these spots and 61 other commercials. The top ads and their respective scores are as follows, click on any of these below to see the ad and the brain reaction. This is a chance to see how the ad stim matches up against the details of the brain scan:
#1: Volkswagen - Punch Dub/Deutsch – Los Angeles (4.71)
#2: Vizio - Forge/Venables, Bell and Partners – San Francisco (3.96)
#3: Budweiser - Bridge/DDB – Chicago (3.91)
#4: Google - Parisian/Google Creative Lab (3.80)
#5: Bridgestone - Whale of a Tail/Richards Group – Dallas (3.71)
More information and complete ratings
How soon will correlation to purchase happen?
Great question Stan. A number of players in this space are already examining the end-to-end behavior and even mobile in-store behavior of the consumer. Correlation to actually doing something is key. Although there is still much work to do, early indications are that under the right controls and contexts, these methods do work.
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