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Friday, July 08, 2022

Lettting Drones Fly Out of Sight

This came to mind in an efficiency/cost  vs safety analysis of late.   Will see an increase of commercial use.

The Next Frontier for Drones: Letting Them Fly Out of Sight

Associated Press

Matt O'Brien; Nathan Ellgren, July 6, 2022

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has granted 230 waivers to power companies, railways, delivery services, and others to fly drones beyond the visual line of sight. The agency is preparing to relax some safety requirements for commercial drone applications, but not for hobbyists or other noncommercial usage. Said Adam Bry of drone maker Skydio, "Our ultimate goal is you shouldn't need a waiver for this process at all. It becomes an accepted practice." Critics of the pending changes to the rules are concerned about the potential for drone collisions with hot air balloons and other lightweight aircraft, as well as drone-related privacy issues.

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