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Friday, December 31, 2021

MGM Trains with VR

 Have seen similar things tried with VR in Retail environments a decade ago without much success.  Is it enough to just be innovation in a clever way and fun way?  Or is it just a way to attract potential employees?


Desperate for Workers, MGM Resorts Lets Applicants Role Play With VR

By Gizmodo, December 30, 2021

MGM Resorts will use VR to simulating checking guests into hotels as part of the hiring process.

MGM Resorts will adopt virtual reality headsets that allow job applicants to experience various customer-service roles before making a decision. The headsets will enable applicants to simulate various front-of-house roles, including operating casino games and checking in hotel guests.

The company also is considering using immersive technology at career fairs, and has partnered with enterprise VR training firm Strivr to create a VR employee training module.

The module will cover "difficult guest interactions, said MGM Resorts' chief human resources officer Laura Lee. "It can be very difficult just to verbally explain the types of positions or show a video," and VR lets applicants "throw a headset on and really experience the job," Lee said.

From Gizmodo

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