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Monday, July 06, 2015

Analytics Magazine Addresses Human Curiosity in AI

Analytics Magazine, Jul-Aug 2015

Building Human Curiosity into A.I.
by Scott Zoldi
Self-learning models: How neuro-dynamic programming enables smart machines to think ahead.

Predicting Patient Experience  
by Sagar Anisingaraju and Mo Kaushal
Why narrative data is a healthcare goldmine: Four reasons to feel confident about the "consumerization" wave.

Curing What Ails the Healthcare Industry
by Charlie Bitzis
Interaction analytics is transforming health insurance: Four key areas where analytics is driving change.

Network Analytics for Everyone
by Will Towler
From social media to healthcare, more and more fields are turning to network science for greater insight.

Networks vs. Fraud: Connecting the Dots
by Bart Baesens, VĂ©ronique Van Vlasselaer and Wouter Verbeke
Well-constructed analytical models useful in thwarting fraudsters and their complex but revealing patterns.

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