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Friday, January 16, 2009

Selling vs Order Taking

Correspondent Herb Sorensen of TNS-Sorensen has a great piece in his Views series about Selling vs Order Taking which links to the history of retail itself and its architecture. I wrote about this previously, pointing to the history of the US Piggly-Wiggly Chain, which claims to have invented the self-service store in 1916. Also a great store interior image above. He also mentions MediaCart, Modiv Shopper and Infosys as new ways to sell in the aisle.

" ... The sales person facilitates the thought process that leads to closing the sale - "close early and close often" - while the order taker plays a more passive role.

In understanding what needs to happen in shopping, and is happening, among retailers and brand suppliers that want to sell, it is helpful to review how the industry at large became so passive (order-taking) in managing the sales process. What is common on the selling room floor today (passivity,) was not always this way... "

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