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Monday, September 10, 2018

AI Eye Tracking of 200 Eye Movements

What appears to be a deeper kind of Eye movement biometric analysis than is common.  Dealing with both enhrent traits, and also real time changes?  Note that the test mentioned included retail interaction.  Consider comparison and ensemble use with other measures.  Also note the specific use of decision tree to pre establish range of classification.

This New AI Can Track 200 Eye Movements to Determine Your Personality Traits   Business Insider   Katharina Mass in  Business Insider

Researchers at Saarland University's Max Planck Institute for Computer Science and the University of Stuttgart in Germany, along with colleagues from the University of South Australia, have created software that recognizes personality traits via eye tracking. The researchers equipped 50 student volunteers with devices that recorded their eye movements. The volunteers were then asked to walk across the campus for about 10 minutes and purchase something from one of the campus shops. The subjects also completed questionnaires commonly used to evaluate personality traits. The team used more than 200 markers, such as the frequency with which subjects blinked and how long they focused on something, to determine traits that are linked to certain eye movements. With this data, the researchers created "decision trees" for various personality traits, enabling the software to recognize designated characteristics. In addition, the team says the eye-tracking software can gauge whether someone is conscientious, sociable, and tolerant, and even to what extent they might be emotionally unstable.  ... "

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