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Friday, September 14, 2018

Watson Assistant Produces a Chatbot

IBM has announced a means of chatbot development, via their Watson Assistant infrastructure.  Recall I beta-tested the Dev under Watson Assistant.  The offer here, as I read it, is a one year free supported trial to built a chatbot using this approach.  The precise meaning of the 'chatbot' here is unclear, but I would assume it includes access to current Watson Assistant services.  Such as emotion detection  (anger) mentioned below.  Retail is mentioned but seems not restrictively.  Limitations of memory and access interactions. Looks like a good thing to try.

IBM Watson Assistant: the fast and easy solution for all your clients' cognitive needs.  Integrate an AI-powered chatbot at no cost for 12 months.

Create a cognitive retail chatbot

Learn how you can create an easily configurable, retail-ready Watson assistant-based chatbot that lets a user find items to purchase and then add and remove items from their cart.

See the code pattern

Create a cognitive banking chatbot

Use IBM Watson Node.js SDK to create a chatbot that includes conversation interaction, anger detection, natural language understanding, and answer discovery. ... 

See the code pattern

It’s estimated that chatbots for customer service will help businesses save $8 billion per year by 2022. ... "

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