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Saturday, September 22, 2018

Overview of an Internet of Medical Things

Future of medicine is conecting professionals, sensors, people, solutions.

Internet of Medical Things (IoMT): Future of the medical world   By Hemendra Singh in CustomerThink

IoMT stands for Internet of Medical Things. It is the technology to connect the medical devices to the healthcare IT systems. The medical devices are provided with WiFi which sends the signals wirelessly.

There are a lot of medical apps available to monitor the patient’s health. IoT uses such apps to gather the medical data of the patients. Today, every app development company is trying to develop healthcare apps.

Impact of IoMT on the medical world
Real-Time Data Care System

Internet of Things Solutions in the medical field lets doctors manage patients’ data efficiently. The IoMT gives real-time data of patients.

Today, there are many devices those provide the data of patients in real-time. For example, Apple Watch, Samsung Gear, etc. These wearables send the health data of the patients to the healthcare experts in real-time.

The care managers then examine the data and deliver the better health solutions to patients.

This is how the real-time data care system helps medical experts to give the best health solutions to patients. ...  "

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