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Wednesday, April 05, 2023

Self-Aware AI

Advanced thoughts.

Why Should We Look Forward to Self-Aware AI?

by bigdata 28 February 2023 Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Tags: Artificial intelligence, chatbots, chatGPT, IoT, machine learning, Predictive Analytics, Robotic Process Automation, Robots 

Technology AI

Many experts believe that the era of the self-aware AI is still far ahead in the future. They say that robotic sentience is still highly theoretical and needs ongoing research. However, several technologists and roboticists have claimed to having developed sentient machines.

So, we have to ask, is it really that far off in the future? Or, has the so-called experts just been remiss in agreeing on standards to define true robotic sentience? In any case, there is a lot of look forward to when it comes to self-aware machines.

Sentient Machines: The Pros

The present and future developments in robotic sentience have several advantages that we should all look forward to.

Improved efficiency and productivity: There is incredible potential for highly intelligent machines to provide industries with better productivity and efficiency. Machines are faster at processing and doing repetitive tasks, and do not theoretically need rest, unlike humans.

Better problem-solving capabilities: With super-fast processing and access to vast data, and a presumed lack of biases, smart machines can potentially solve more problems that humans can ever imagine to.

Advances in healthcare: Self-aware machines can potentially provide faster and more accurate diagnosis and more personalized treatments to individuals. Through big data, they can catch symptoms and diagnose diseases faster. Such time advantage can make a huge difference in a person’s treatment and recovery.

Better scientific research: When it comes to scientific experimentation and discoveries, fast processing is key. There is a lot of ground to cover when you want to be thorough and cover all test possibilities. A super smart machine can do this, easily. It is what it’s designed to do.  ... '

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