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Wednesday, April 05, 2023

How Experts Think

We captured expertise from observations, then linked it with neural networks.

Eye Tracking During Building Inspections Provides Insight on How Experts Think   By Penn State News,   March 30, 2023

Penn State's Maria antonieta Gutierrez Soto uses Tobii eye-tracking glasses to assess damages in row buildings in Mayfield, Kentucky after the region endured tornadoes in December 2021.

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) and Chariho Regional High School in Rhode Island used eye-tracking software to analyze building inspectors' gaze patterns to gain insights into safety assessment behaviors.

The researchers had architectural engineering graduate students evaluate two building facades while tracking their gaze with Tobii glasses, which measure eye movement and positioning concurrently.

Penn State's Rebecca Napolitano said the results reflected users' biases when looking at structures, and a tendency to focus on observable issues longer compared to other fields.   She called the research "one small step in understanding how inspectors think, with the long-term goal of creating an algorithm to inform a drone."

From Penn State News

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