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Sunday, October 11, 2015

City Building Games. In the Enterprise.

I mention this not because I am a Sim City game player, but because I was asked several times to figure out how I could build something similar to model the enterprise.

Our own enterprise had a long history of having simulation games to train new hires, and people that were changing jobs to those that needed more strategic understanding.   These systems started with the simplest text interactions.  And evolved to very visual industrial sims.   With the warning that these games were rarely accurately predictive.  Or included enough context.  

Here Ars Technica looks at the history of city building games, not too different in goals and limitations.  Does anyone have input?  Will an IOT world allow us to attach such models to the real world?  That has been mentioned for more focused games, like the supply chain 'Beer game'.   Making them more accurate and real time?

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