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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Process: Making Analytics Work for Every Company

When I worked with analytical methods in the big enterprise, it was often the case that work had already been done to map out the business processes involved.   In the mid 1980s we were already using methods like expert systems to improve these processes. Some of the research there came from academic work in artificial intelligence. At the time IBM was also starting to test the idea of 'expert systems' to model and improve internal processes. This often included the requirement to integrate systems like optimization, statistical modeling and correct and complete database designs and contents to make sure the decisions were represented correctly.

Frankly it would have been difficult for the small to medium size company to do the same thing at that time. In my consulting experience, I have discovered that their methods are not mapped as completely, and the methods needed  have historically been too difficult and expensive to use.

Since then I have followed methods like IBM's Watson Project, which uses many of the same expertise capturing capabilities.  And SPSS, which embodies statistical and logical data mining methods we used within the former Clementine package. These methods help determine where the key parts of the business process reside. So many of the methods that we had to cobble together are there today for ready use. It is still true that expertise is required to connect these ideas together. And specialized expertise and techniques need to be leveraged to scope an accurate model of the business process. This day is here.

The pieces are ready for any size enterprise. Be glad to discuss in additional detail.

This post was written as part of the IBM for Midsize Business program, which provides midsize businesses with the tools, expertise and solutions they need to become engines  of a smarter planet. More on that here: goo.gl/VQ40Cg 

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