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Sunday, April 02, 2023

An AI Drummer Robot


Meet The Band's New Drummer: Keirzo the Robot

By The Lighthouse, Macquarie University (Australia),  March 30, 2023

Macquarie University's Richard Savery playing along with Keirzo the drummer robot. 

Macquarie University's Richard Savery said Keirzo the drummer robot learns from human musician; "Through inbuilt microphones, it listens to drummers, and then it tries to adjust the way it plays."

Keirzo is a vaguely humanoid-shaped construction with ear-like sound inputs, a speaker where a mouth might be and a range of motor-driven robotic 'arms,' some fitted with drumsticks, others with a small round rubber mallet.   Keirzo's music - including rap lyrics - is produced entirely by the robot, says Richard Savery, who is a developer of artificial intelligence and robotics in the Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature, and a professional saxophonist, clarinettist and flautist.

"It listens, it plays, and behaves just like a collaborating musician on stage, responding to the human members of the band," Savery says.

"It's all AI underneath and a whole bunch of different deep learning elements.

"And while I don't have to pay Keirzo – robots cost a lot to make and maintain and train. Everything is an expensive process."

From The Lighthouse, MacQuarie University (Australia)

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