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Thursday, March 03, 2022

Amazon EcoVistas

 Like the idea that this is addressing a system rather than just one, or a few simplistic measures.  

Amazon EcoVistas to Guide Sustainable Dam Siting

The Engineer (U.K.), February 18, 2022

Researchers at the nonprofit Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, an organization dedicated to understanding how ecosystems work, have developed a computational tool to guide sustainable hydroelectric dam siting in the Amazon River basin. The researchers developed the novel Amazon EcoVistas framework to analyze proposed dam projects collectively, for energy generation and environmental impact, by analyzing river flow, river connectivity, sediment transport, fish biodiversity, and greenhouse gas emissions. The algorithm was able to ascertain the "Pareto-optimal frontier," the combination of hydropower projects that minimizes environmental harm for any given level of aggregate hydropower output, for 158 current and 351 proposed dams. ... 

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