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Friday, March 04, 2022

Joystick Immersion for VR

Better immersion in VR.

 For Better Immersion in VR: Flying Joysticks

Via Informations dienst Wissenschaft

February 22, 2022

At Germany's University of Duisburg-Essen, researchers have developed a toolkit for flying control elements to make virtual reality (VR) more immersive. The goal is to make VR controllers look and feel how they appear in virtual space. The researchers produced five common user interface elements from the virtual world—button, knob, joystick, slider, and three-dimensional (3D) mouse—using 3D printers; they attached each device to a quadrocopter drone. When a virtual control element is visible in the virtual world, a flyable with the matching element steers to the person operating it. Although researchers found that the flyables allowed for more realistic interactions with virtual content, the prototypes were not yet on par with modern controllers in terms of input precision. ... '

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