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Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Supply Chain Transparency and Sustainability

 Whats important in Supply Chain 

Why Supply Chain Transparency And Sustainability Are So Important Right Now


Apr 04, 2023, by Ron Margulis,   with further expert comment

Robots were everywhere last month at ProMat, a major material handling trade show, along with were autonomous guided vehicles, artificial intelligence, inventory and network optimization software and mobile technology.

Extended supply chain transparency and sustainability were frequently discussed in educational sessions and on the show floor.

Nearly three-quarters of supply chain leaders are increasing their supply chain technology and innovation budgets this year, according to the 2023 MHI Annual Industry Report, released at ProMat in collaboration with Deloitte. The report titled “The Responsible Supply Chain: Transparency, Sustainability, and the Case for Business” indicates that solutions for improved supply chain transparency and sustainability are getting top priority.  .. ' 

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