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Thursday, April 06, 2023

Seagull Algorithms and Cloud Computing.

New to me.   Have a strong interest in bird flight and further behavior.   Biomimicry


Seagull Algorithms Could Hide Secret to Greener Cloud ComputingBy Fast Company, April 5, 2023

Modeling the motions of seagulls. 

The researchers say that the way seagulls behave when they’re on the hunt for food or prey is one of the most ruthlessly efficient examples of an entity zeroing in on its target, with minimal excess energy expenditure.

British, Chinese, and Austrian researchers say that more sustainable cloud computing systems can be achieved by algorithmically mimicking seagulls' hunting and migration behavior.

The researchers contend a "seagull optimization algorithm" can slash cloud computing's power consumption by 5.5% and its network traffic by 70%.

They said the meta-heuristic algorithm would determine the best locations for virtual machines within a server communications network to optimize network traffic efficiency.

This would mirror the seagulls' ability to stalk and plot a route to prey without colliding with each other.

The researchers believe seagull-based algorithms could reduce the total number of physical supercomputers worldwide, while also cutting the machine-to-machine communications network's power consumption by 80%.

From Fast Company

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