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Tuesday, April 04, 2023

SAS on Data Driven to AI Driven

 Talk:    https://blogs.sas.com/content/sascom/2023/03/27/from-data-driven-to-ai-driven-scaling-human-productivity-and-decision-making/


From data-driven to AI-driven: Scaling human productivity and decision making 

By Bryan Harris on SAS Voices March 27, 2023  topics | Analytics Artificial Intelligence

Given the headlines each week, it is clear that global disruption and economic volatility are not slowing down. At the same time, information overload is far exceeding human capacity.

Despite these pressures, business goals remain the same: improve revenue, increase margins, operate more efficiently and meet customer expectations. So, how do we keep up and, most importantly, get ahead in today’s world? Businesses must scale human productivity and decision making with AI to ultimately discover the future faster.

In the video below, I discuss the challenges organizations face and how they can become more resilient with AI-driven strategies.


To learn more strategies for business resilience, check out our new Resiliency Rules Report.

Tagsdata culture and literacydata strategydigital disruptioninnovation

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ABOUT AUTHOR   Bryan Harris

Executive Vice President & Chief Technology OfficerWebsiteLinkedIn

As Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Bryan Harris is responsible for setting the technology direction for SAS and working with the executive leadership team to translate the organization’s strategic objectives and priorities into products and solutions. Harris has more than 20 years of experience researching and developing analytic techniques, enterprise search technologies, distributed computing and cloud architectures, and user experiences for both the federal and commercial industries. For nearly 10 years, he has been a critical senior leader of SAS R&D.  .... 

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