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Tuesday, March 08, 2022

True Holograms in Person to Person Communications

Is it relevant?  Of course you could have asked this of multi person visual conference calling a few decades ago and got a negative. Our needs are driven by possibilities too.

When Your Boss Becomes a Hologram  

Bloomberg Businessweek, K Oanh Ha.March 3, 2022

Technology companies are developing holographic communications for businesses, which appeal to corporations forced by the pandemic to reconsider work protocols. Los Angeles-based firm Portl sells a booth that displays a life-sized three-dimensional (3D) hologram for remote interaction, using a camera, light, microphone, and backdrop. Meanwhile, Google is testing a booth with cameras and a glass screen where users can talk face-to-face with 3D images of each other; Microsoft produces holograms seen through virtual reality headsets. Some critics say Portl and its competitors provide two-dimensional holographic projections rather than true holograms. ARHT Media's Larry O'Reilly in Canada says full-size holograms demand more data than modern networks typically can relay. ... '

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