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Friday, March 04, 2022

On Vannevar Bush

 Good piece on essential Bush, his work was influential to me. 

The Essential Vannevar Bush Quotes by G. PASCAL ZACHARY

Vannevar Bush was the first trained electrical engineer to publicly proclaim in influential circles that EEs are one engine of innovation and the drive behind digital technology. As early as the 1930s, he viewed the entrepreneur and the engineer as twin forces for progress and technological advancement.

Born in 1890 in Massachusetts, he came to prominence as the nation’s top designer of computers while at MIT In the 1930s. During World War II, as personal science and engineering adviser to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, he led all research by civilians for the military and organized the Manhattan Project. After the war, he distinguished himself as a prime advocate for government funding of science and as a leading visionary the coming revolution in information technology. His “As We May Think” article, for the July 1945 issue of The Atlantic magazine, envisioned a desktop computer and a “web” of “associative trails” that no less than the founders of Google cite as the inspiration for today’s information science and the Internet.

Bush was a fount of wisdom, particularly when it came to defining the engineer’s role in the industrial research and development enterprise. During the course of compiling Bush’s seminal works for my new book The Essential Writings of Vannevar Bush, just published by Columbia University Press (2022), I pulled out some quotations of particular interest to IEEE Spectrum readers:  ... ' 

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