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Sunday, March 06, 2022

Alternate Electrical Flow Routing

Networks and flows for robust systems.

Robust Routing Using Electrical Flows  in Google Research

Friday, February 18, 2022

Posted by Ali Kemal Sinop and Kostas Kollias, Research Scientists, Google Research

In the world of networks, there are models that can explain observations across a diverse collection of applications. These include simple tasks such as computing the shortest path, which has obvious applications to routing networks but also applies in biology, e.g., where the slime mold Physarum is able to find shortest paths in mazes. Another example is Braess’s paradox — the observation that adding resources to a network can have an effect opposite to the one expected — which manifests not only in road networks but also in mechanical and electrical systems. For instance, constructing a new road can increase traffic congestion or adding a new link in an electrical circuit can increase voltage. Such connections between electrical circuits and other types of networks have been exploited for various tasks, such as partitioning networks, and routing flows.

In “Robust Routing Using Electrical Flows”, which won the Best Paper Award at SIGSPATIAL 2021, we present another interesting application of electrical flows in the context of road network routing. Specifically, we utilize ideas from electrical flows for the problem of constructing multiple alternate routes between a given source and destination. Alternate routes are important for many use cases, including finding routes that best match user preferences and for robust routing, e.g., routing that guarantees finding a good path in the presence of traffic jams. Along the way, we also describe how to quickly model electrical flows on road networks.

Existing Approaches to Alternate Routing

Computing alternate routes on road networks is a relatively new area of research and most techniques rely on one of two main templates: the penalty method and the plateau method. In the former, alternate routes are iteratively computed by running a shortest path algorithm and then, in subsequent runs, adding a penalty to those segments already included in the shortest paths that have been computed, to encourage further exploration. In the latter, two shortest path trees are built simultaneously, one starting from the origin and one from the destination, which are used to identify sequences of road segments that are common to both trees. Each such common sequence (which are expected to be important arterial streets for example) is then treated as a visit point on the way from the origin to the destination, thus potentially producing an alternate route. The penalty method is known to produce results of high quality (i.e., average travel time, diversity and robustness of the returned set of alternate routes) but is very slow in practice, whereas the plateau method is much faster but results in lower quality solutions. ... ' 

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