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Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Merging with our Tools

Will We, Can We ... Merge with our AI?

Well we did kind of merge with our calculators.   And we sure seem to be merging with our Smartphones.    And now ... ?

This is how we’ll merge with AI  in VentureBeat

Gary Grossman, Edelman

The relationship between humans and AI is something of a dance. We and AI come close together operating collaboratively, then are pushed away by the impossibility, only to stumble but return attracted by the potential. It is perhaps fitting that the dance community is beginning to embrace robots, with AI helping to create new movements and choreography, and with robots sharing the stage with human dancers.

The relationship between society and technology is yin and yang, with every massive enhancement accompanied by the potential for danger. AI, for example, offers the promise to end boring, repetitive jobs, enabling us to engage in higher level and more fulfilling tasks. It helps with any number of efficiency efforts, such as fraud detection, and it can even paint masterpiece artworks and compose symphonies. Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, hopes AI will unlock human potential and let us focus on the most interesting, most creative, most generative things.   .... '

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