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Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Bigger Robots: Air Giants

Have taken a look at small robots for a long time,  especially as they are used in groups,  but this look at larger forms is also of interest.

Video Friday: These Giant Robots Are Made of Air, Fabric

Your weekly selection of awesome robot videos

By Evan Ackerman, Erico Guizzo and Fan Shi

Luma, is a towering 8 metre snail which transforms spaces with its otherworldly presence. Another piece, Triffid, stands at 6 metres and its flexible end sweeps high over audiences’ heads like an enchanted plant. The movement of the creatures is inspired by the flexible, wiggling and contorting motions of the animal kingdom and is designed to provoke instinctive reactions and emotions from the people that meet them. Air Giants is a new creative robotic studio founded in 2020. They are based in Bristol, UK, and comprise a small team of artists, roboticists and software engineers. The studio is passionate about creating emotionally effective motion at a scale which is thought-provoking and transporting, as well as expanding the notion of what large robots can be used for.  ... " 

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