After hearing little from
Amazon's Mechanical Turk system for some time, I just received a note that they were establishing
a resource center. This is an attempt to connect human and machine intelligence which I always thought was not considered enough.
" ... The new Resource Center includes sample use cases and customer interviews demonstrating how businesses are using Amazon Mechanical Turk for a wide variety of work including web site moderation, data governance, metadata creation and more. The Resource Center also includes a Best Practices Guide to help you optimize your approach and get the best results with Mechanical Turk.... "
The Mechanical Turk service, connects problems with humans to solve tasks that can only be done by humans. They call the tasks HIT's or human intelligence tasks. An intelligence marketplace. I have seen no stats from them recently, and it seemed that the service was faltering. So this is a good next step to help simplify its use.
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