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Monday, December 07, 2020

Moving AI Recognized Things

Interesting generalization of a set of common tasks using AI identification.

Robotics Researchers Propose AI That Locates, Safely Moves Items on Shelves

Venture Beat   By Kyle Wiggers in CACM

Two new robotics studies detail methods for locating occluded objects on shelves and solving "contact-rich" manipulation tasks. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley developed the Lateral Access maXimal Reduction of occupancY support Area (LAX-RAY) system, which predicts an object's location even when only a portion of it is visible. LAX-RAY achieved 87.3% accuracy in a simulation, which translated to about 80% for a real-world robot. Meanwhile, Google developed the Contact-aware Online COntext Inference (COCOI), which uses video footage and readings from a robot-mounted touch sensor to encode dynamics information into a representation, which then permits a reinforcement learning algorithm to plan with “dynamics-awareness,” increasing its robustness in difficult environments.  ... ' 

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