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Sunday, December 06, 2020

Digitizing StoryCorps Audio Interviews

 Also similar to work we did in the enterprise to understand consumer interviews.  We spent some time looking for solutions of this type, but they were not available.  Today it would seem that adaptations of the below would work.

AI to digitize StoryCorps’ massive archive of audio interviews   By  Mike Wheatley in SiliconAngle

Google LLC today shared how it has worked with the nonprofit organization StoryCorps Inc.      to digitize an enormous archive of human story audio recordings using some of its most advanced artificial intelligence technologies. 

StoryCorps’ mission is to record, preserve and share the stories of Americans from all backgrounds and beliefs. The project was founded back in 2003, and since then it has recorded one-on-one interviews with more than 600,000 people. Those recordings are stored at the American Folklife Center in the U.S. Library of Congress, where they are being preserved for future generations.

The StoryCorps archives are believed to be the largest collection of human voices on the planet, but up until recently those stories have been inaccessible to most people. To change that, StoryCorps approached Google to ask if it could help make its rich archive of history universally accessible to anyone who’s interested in listening to them.   ... 

.... StoryCorps’ entire archives can now be accessed from its online platform  and its mobile application.   ... 

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