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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crowd Sourcing Systems

In the ACM: An excellent and broad article on the the use of crowd sourcing.  Includes some interesting updates on Amazon's Mechanical Turk. Must reading for those interested in this topic and its broad application. 

" ... This survey attempts to provide a global picture of crowdsourcing systems on the Web. We define and classify such systems, then describe a broad sample of systems. The sample ranges from relatively simple well-established systems such as reviewing books to complex emerging systems that build structured knowledge bases to systems that "piggyback" onto other popular systems. We discuss fundamental challenges such as how to recruit and evaluate users, and to merge their contributions. Given the space limitation, we do not attempt to be exhaustive. Rather, we sketch only the most important aspects of the global picture, using real-world examples. The goal is to further our collective understanding—both conceptual and practical—of this important emerging topic ... "

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