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Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Visual Search for eProcurement

Have brought up this method a number of times for minimizing costs. Now new methods include a novel visualization supporting search to find better, cheaper, procurement solutions.  They describe it:

 " ... Vinimaya, Inc., a leader in e-Procurement marketplace and supplier catalog management solutions, announced today that it has added a dynamic Visual Search technology into the latest release of its cloud-based vMarketPlace solution. The new search capability will drive even greater efficiency for users within Vinimaya’s e-Procurement marketplace.

The proprietary Visual Search technology dynamically organizes cross-catalog supplier search results into a real-time, interactive visual heat map and helps corporate shoppers quickly and efficiently find items they are seeking. The heat map analyzes and displays multiple areas of user interest to enhance search relevance. With just a mouse click or two on the color-coded category segments within the heat map, shoppers can drill down to quickly zero in on the exact product they are seeking. ... " 

(Update) Saw this application recently again, and how it related to generalized knowledge and research management.   Interestingly updated.   Worth re-examining.

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