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Friday, February 13, 2015

Text Signals as Sentiment

An area that a number of groups are looking at.

" ... In this burgeoning era of big data, a substantial majority of all the data is unstructured. Much of this unstructured data is textual, such as the data in reports, articles, emails, tweets, and even conversations or support calls recorded in textual transcripts. Because some of this information is perishable, the capability to process it quickly—in many cases, in real time or near-real time—is becoming quite important to enterprises. This processing requires text analytics capabilities.

What does the capability to perform text analytics mean? One simple example is processing a social media feed, such as Twitter, to extract any tweet that mentions a specific element of data such as a company name or a product. This simple approach to matching keywords can provide a quick glimpse into the presence of a product name in the public’s mind. Further, using Twitter-based metadata, for example, creates the possibility to divide this public perception into regions. ... "

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