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Saturday, October 05, 2019

Rebooting AI: The Future of General, Trustable AI

In the process of reading Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis'  book:  Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence We can Trust.   Nicely done, starting with a history of AI and its challenges.   And then a real push back on what AI  needs to do to be really useful.  Skeptics will like it, but its also for those interested in the way AI is headed.  Have always been a proponent in mixing classic AI methods with 'deep learning',  have lived through its evolution to the current state.  While its true that deep learning can solve some narrow and complex problems, it is not well suited to the complexity of business, and even very real life problems.  Needs to have better understanding, transparency and trustability.    Good book so far that's worth a read, addressing a fundamental problem.   Will follow with a more complete impression when done.

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