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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Data Management for Data Science

In Kdnuggets a good description and visualization of data management needed for data science.

Everything a Data Scientist Should Know About Data Management

For full-stack data science mastery, you must understand data management along with all the bells and whistles of machine learning. This high-level overview is a road map for the history and current state of the expansive options for data storage and infrastructure solutions. By Phoebe Wong and Robert Bennett.

To be a real “full-stack” data scientist, or what many bloggers and employers call a “unicorn,” you have to master every step of the data science process — all the way from storing your data, to putting your finished product (typically a predictive model) in production. But the bulk of data science training focuses on machine/deep learning techniques; data management knowledge is often treated as an afterthought. Data science students usually learn modeling skills with processed and cleaned data in text files stored on their laptop, ignoring how the data sausage is made.   ... " 

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