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Monday, December 15, 2014

Service Science from Informs

I have been reminded by Jim Spohrer about the importance of services, tasks and the allied sciences to provide what we call intelligence, artificial or otherwise.  Now often being called Cognitive Science.  I had never before thought of that particular characterization.  Informs,  the Management Science Organization that was my primary professional connection for years, has a number of resources about service science. Including the below description of scope.  Recently they write:

" ... Smart Service System submissions would be most welcomed at the Service Science, INFORMS Journal. 


About Service Science
Modern businesses rely on technology, communication, information, automation, and globalization. They operate in a complex web of suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders, creating value by sharing skills and capabilities with others for mutual benefit. Service science is the emerging study of such complex service systems. It involves methods and theories from a range of disciplines, including operations, industrial engineering, marketing, computer science, psychology, information systems, design, and more. Effective understanding of service systems often require combining multiple methods to consider how interactions of people, technology, organizations, and information create value under various conditions. .... "

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