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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Nudge Theory Now delivered by a Nudge Engine

First the Nudge Theory, now a Nudge engine to make you notice it. Calibrating the use, timing and strength of the nudge may be the most important thing to to figure out.  If you have resources, there should be better ways to efficiently use them.   And better to do that all along the process than just at the end.   How will people used to typical management process react?  I even recall some of the softest 'informational' nudges, like of MS Paperclip being rejected.

After two years in stealth mode, the former head of HR at Google reveals his new startup  By Simone Stolzoff in Quartz

" ... In a blog post,   Bock described Humu’s flagship product, called Nudge Engine. It’s an app that uses behavioral science and machine learning to deliver workers personalized “nudges” throughout the workday. Nudges can be simple reminders to thank a coworker who has been doing a good job or to seek out the opinion of a quieter team member during a meeting.

Though the word “nudge” might have a soft connotation, the theory that underlies Humu’s technology comes from hard science. Professor Richard Thaler won the Nobel Prize in economics last year for his research on “nudge theory,” which proved that small prompts can have a big impact on people’s behaviors. ...  " 

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